Real Estate

Guide To Building Inspection And Damage Control

Depending on the damages suffered in each case, the buildings have either been demolished, they have been temporarily evicted, they have required actions by structural or non-structural elements, or they have suffered minor damage.

This Guide is, therefore, to define a methodology for the evaluation of the level of damage and the safety of buildings after an earthquake that, in this context of an emergency, makes it possible to state a proposal for action on the building: allow access, allow conditional access, prohibit access to the building and possibly the surrounding area, indicate the danger of collapse or the need or convenience of demolition, etc.

It is intended that an adequate application of the criteria defined in the Guide allows:

  1. Assess, in an emergency, the condition of the structure and non-structural elements of the building after an earthquake, making decisions about the possibility of inhabiting the building or not.
  2. Reduce the possible damages that can occur after the earthquake as a result of the existing structural damage, the fall of diverse objects, and the potential effects of the aftershocks after the main seismic event.
  3. Identify the needs of the population from the safety of buildings, to define the actions related to the protection and accommodation of those affected.
  4. Have information for a quick and approximate estimate of direct economic losses caused by damage to buildings.
  5. Record information on the number of habitable buildings, damaged or collapsed so that after their classification and analysis of the rehabilitation process and assistance in the recovery and reconstruction phase of the affected area can be planned.
  6. Provide technical information to improve the earthquake-resistant regulations in the medium term.

It is essential, therefore, that specialties like Sydney Building Inspections checks the damage done in the collapse and mark it safe or unsafe and then proceeds toward reconstructing it.