Lucent shades are a perfect combination of your personal feelings and emotions along with light. Light is everywhere, and it is always with us. Even in the dark, there is a lamp which guides us and even in the day, the sunlight touches our skin. Ever wondered having a lamp which reflects your feelings or emotions? Well now you do, Lucent shades are lamp shades which are printable and are specifically designed for people who are looking for a personal environment.
You can print your favorite quote, your favorite pattern and even in your favorite color. The lamp shade will be all about you, you will be in an environment that you wanted. You can get a bunch of lamps with Lucent shades and for each room, you can come up with a different pattern or design that reflects your feelings and emotions. You can match the customized shade with the overall ambiance of a specific room.
The creator of the Lucent shades has been designing and producing custom packaging with the corrugated plastic. He intended to create something else with the corrugated plastic and he came up with the idea of Lucent shades which is very unique and innovative. With these shades, you are not only lighting a room but you are also expressing your feelings. These lamps are the most customizable, you can have any pattern printed.
Some unique features of the lucent laps are as follow:
- Interchangeable shades and bases: These lamps allow you o switch between the shades and the bases. You can have a different pattern or a different base at a certain time and then when you feel like changing it, you can easily do that. So basically, it allows you to truly express your emotions in a certain period of time.
- Custom Design: The Lucent shades come with a huge range of designs, you can look for a specific pattern or design if you want but you can also, give the creators your own specific design and they will be happy to print it on the shade for you.
- Earth friendly materials: There are so many products in the world which are being created with materials that are harmful for the earth but these lamps are created with earth friendly materials.
- Diverse prints and shades: Mostly, lamps shades are available in neutral colors and just some standard patterns. However, with the Lucent shades, you get an opportunity to select the right pattern from the available options. There is a huge variety from which you can choose the desired pattern or print.
Once you get your hands on one set, you will be able to get as many patterns and prints you like, you can even get your own customized patterns and you can have the desired pattern lit up whenever you like. You will not have any duller movements because you can have the cutest ambiance with these stunning lamp shades. Whether it is your study desk, your lounge, your office or any other personal space. You can have the desired print lit up. Unlike a standard unique interchangeable shade lamp, the lucent lamp shades allow you to express your feelings and not only this you can switch between the base and shade according to your feeling.
Have you ever felt like stranger in your own apartment which is new? Yes, we all can go through the same feeling. To get rid of the strange feeling, you can get a Lucent shade to allow the space to feel more homely, you can have the pattern representing your home or any other thing that is close to your heart.
Not only are you lighting up your space but you are also making it more colorful and attractive. Even the visitors will definitely lay their eyes on your new Lucent shade and will definitely ask you more about it.
Lastly, we highly recommend getting these lamp shades for your dull and boring rooms, as they are attractive, colorful and even environmentally friendly. We hope that you will enjoy the customized patterns in your rooms which will be a reflection of your mood. Also, in the holiday season, you can get patterns relating to holidays and use these shades as décor pieces. You will definitely fall in love with these!