Home Improvement

Three Ways to Transform Your Living Space

The living space in your home can make the difference between loving your home or just existing in it.  Make your living space the place in your home you always want to be with these design updates and tips.

  1. Upgrade the Focal Points

Living room focal points are most often large pieces of furniture such as a couch, coffee table or media stand.  If you want your living space to be a welcoming one, then make sure that these features are appropriately sized, pleasing to the eye and comfortable. Another common focal point in these types of spaces is the fireplace. Masterful fireplace renovation Fort Collins CO will convert your space from one to steer clear of into one to show off.

  1. Add Some Accents

If you feel like your living space is drab and boring try adding a few colorful throw pillows, an eye-catching rug or a striking piece of vintage furniture to liven it up.  Never underestimate the power that a single accent wall can have either. Choose one wall in the room and paint it a different color or cover it in a fun, patterned wallpaper and you will feel like you are in a whole new room.

  1. Look to the Lighting

Decide what mood and feel you want your living space to have and light it accordingly. If you want a comfortable place to relax and unwind, go with dimmable recessed lighting and soft yellow rather than bright white. If you desire a place to entertain, then try to get as much natural and bright lighting as possible. If you really want to make the room inviting, try a statement chandelier or lamp that will get your guests talking.

A boring, uncomfortable or chaotic living space usually becomes a place to avoid rather than enjoy. Ensure that your living space is one to be proud of by keeping it updated, timeless and fun.