Different Strokes for Different Folks
Isn’t it peculiar how art can be viewed very differently by each one of us? A piece of art design on an A4 piece of paper may look better on wall paper or even on fabric. A mural on a building may not be pleasing to some people because of its boldness but to some, it may be seen as a show of power.
Sometimes repetition can seem fluid and soft or can be shocking to the eye depending on the design or a personal view. Mostly, art has a calming, satisfying effect that can be felt by both the artist and art followers.
One such young designer based in Copenhagen, Silke Bonde, is lucky to be able to have her work online. Printed and mounted as posters and also on fabrics such as curtains and wall paper. Her clear lines and soft touch encourage diversity in her designs.
It has always been challenging for an artist to be able to show off their works of art. However, in this day of technology, the internet has made it a lot easier for both the artist and the customer to be able to access each other. We have all heard the stories of the “starving artist” unable to earn a living because they have yet to be discovered.
How to Access Quality
Printing posters that showcase work from artists all over the world has allowed ease of access online. This is not only beneficial to the artists and their following but has also become a way to raise funds that benefit others socially.
In Denmark for example, there are places artists can send their works to and have them uploaded on posters and put up on display on their website. These pieces are printed on posters and framed using FSC-marked material with the certification of the Swan mark, the official sustainability label for Nordic countries.
There are a whole range of international artists from all over the world, including fabric designers, photographers and even illustrators who take advantage of this service. All transactions are done online and the customer has their chosen work of art delivered to any destination of their choice.
Well known photographers such as Bec Kilpatrick from Australia are now showcasing their work online. Note Design Studio from Sweden, Emile Kozak from Spain are also but a few of the artists using these online galleries. If you would like to buy a good work of art on a poster, Copenhagen has pooled together such a collection of artists to cater to almost every artistic palette.
Paying It Forward
In the recent past, the Nepalese government put much emphasis on education as seemingly only the elite had access to this. Schools and other educational facilities are being built by the government together with the outside help of international charity organizations. The locals in Nepal are also helping by starting their own school building projects so education is more accessible for all.
Surely art would not be complete if there wasn’t a social responsibility aspect to it. It is not every day we get the chance to do good for others as we further our dreams. Artists are able to get high quality printing done on posters and their art displayed on a well-known website.
Art revelers are also able find it easier to obtain beautiful pieces by acclaimed artists for their homes, offices and other establishments at literally, the push of a button. The proceeds from this process then goes to raising funds for the less fortunate and fund projects such as a rural school in Nepal.
To Round it Off
Clearly the role of art in our lives is all encompassing. Artists can forge strong creative partnerships with online art dealers and in the process extend a helping hand to others who are worlds away. Collaborations like these are more commonplace now, working towards goals that benefit all.