
Why Is Summer The Best Season For Roof Maintenance?

When the time for re-roofing comes, or at least repairing the damage on your existing roof, timing is everything. Especially living in Auckland, where New Zealand is known for wet weather and unpredictable climate changes. So when is the best time to perform roof maintenance Auckland? Experts say that the summer months are preferable, for the following reasons.

  1. It’s Easier To Schedule Roof Maintenance In Summer 

What does summer mean to you? Other than the end of a cold winter and upcoming warm and sunny days, summer also means going on vacation. For most people, when summer arrives, they’re planning on going on holiday, having barbeques in the backyard and pool parties for the kids on weekends. Unfortunately, because summer is the season of holidays and fun, planning maintenance for your roof is often the last thing on your mind. However, it’s an excellent time to schedule repairs with an Auckland contractor because they’re less busy around this time of the year. In fact, during the rainy season of winter roofers are hard at work due to roof leaks which are urgently attended to even though they would have been best handled in summer.

2.Summer Temperatures Are Better For Maintenance 

For many in Auckland, energy bills are an expense that is paid regularly, along with rent, mortgages, and car payments. Most homeowners know that any increase in usage in heating can make your energy bill rise drastically, which many people can’t afford. However, when maintaining your roof or installing a new one, its thermal performance can be temporarily reduced, causing you to use more energy when it’s cold outside. In the summertime, however, you don’t need to worry about heating, because it is warmer outside. Therefore, during construction, you can go without the A/C until the work is complete. Summer temperatures are also perfect for sheathing, nailing, or other options for fastening roofing materials together, making summer the best time to do it.

3.There’s Less Rain In Summer 

During summer in New Zealand, there is typically less rainfall, in comparison to the winter months. That means that your roofing contractor won’t have to delay the job because it started raining. Therefore, your roof should be repaired, restored, or replaced in summer, when the contractor won’t be interrupted by wet weather. Even though roofers can perform minor repair jobs in the rain, it isn’t recommended. If there is extensive work being performed, the task will have to wait until the rain subsides, which is a waste of time and money. That’s why summer is the best time to do roof maintenance. You’ll be within the targeted timeframe, and your roof will be repaired without the threat of water damage

4.There’s No Risk Of Frigid Temperatures 

Although snow is unlikely to fall during winter in Auckland, there’s nothing wrong with being prepared. When working on a roof in winter, the cold temperatures can cause a build-up of dew or frost, making the roof more challenging to maintain. Even a small amount of ice can be dangerous because it’s a slipping hazard. That’s why most roofing companies would prefer to wait until the weather has warmed up before they begin performing repairs. Moreover, it rains more often in winter than in summer in Auckland, which means that the job could be interrupted continuously or delayed.

5.It’s The Best Time To Prepare For Autumn And Winter 

If you need to do more than maintenance, and your house needs re-roofing, summer is the best time to do it. With the warmer temperatures and fewer possibilities of rain, doing extensive construction on your roof will be much safer for the contractor and his labourers. Due to the cold, rain and storms in winter, your roof is affected by a lot of wear and tear in that time. Shingles can curl, cup, crack and break, leading to leaks. Therefore, if you maintain it and perform repairs in summer, you’ll be prepared for when the weather turns, without disaster striking during a storm.

While making summer plans for a vacation with the kids, a camping trip with friends, or the many pool parties and barbeques you’ll have on the weekends, remember your roof maintenance. Make sure that you call a roof maintenance contractor in Auckland to inspect it in summer so that all maintenance can be performed while the weather allows for it. You can still have all the fun that summer promises while resting assured that your roof has been adequately maintained before the winter storms arrive.