Home Improvement

3 Common Float Switch Installation Mistakes to Avoid

Image Description: An image of three types of float switches Image Alt-Text: Float switch installation

You’ll be surprised to learn that installing a float switch is fairly easy. All you really need to do is place it inside the tank and make sure the cable is long enough so the device can move up and down freely as the level of liquid rises and falls. It doesn’t require any plumbers so you can do it all on your own.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at three mistakes you need to avoid when it comes to installing a float switch.

  1. Choosing the Wrong Material

One area where you absolutely shouldn’t go wrong is selecting the appropriate material. If your application involves water, then corrosion won’t be a major issue. But if it requires pumping some form of solution, you should consider the compatibility of materials, whether you’re working with a vertical or horizontal float switch.

Typically, PVC is a good option because it’s versatile, but you need to consider other compatible materials as well to make sure corrosion doesn’t occur.

  1. Not Having Adequate Space Around the Float Switch

Float switches trigger the motor to stop when the water level goes below the predetermined level. This is why you need to make sure there’s enough space around the float switch so that it can easily float or sink to the bottom of the vessel. Any obstruction could cause the device to work inefficiently and incorrectly.

  1. Keeping the Cable Length Too Short

It’s not really a problem if the length of your cable is too long. You can always cut it or roll it, depending on the requirements. The issue arises if you keep the cable length too short because you have to make a junction to make sure the cable can get to the desired level.

Final Words

The installation and maintenance of your float switch can get more difficult, depending on how complex your application is. Whether you’re working with a standard float switch or a specialized

 bilge float switch, you need to keep these mistakes in mind to make sure your system works smoothly without any obstructions.