What To Expect From a Stucco Repair Service? You deserve superior quality work say for instance at stucco repair Columbus Ohio. After all, you’ve paid good money to protect the exterior of your home with stucco. Here are some tips for choosing the best stucco repair service for your home. Before you call a repair company, learn more about the causes of stucco failure. In this article, you’ll also learn about costs and how to select a company for stucco repair lone tree co.
Water infiltration causes stucco failure
While repairing water damage caused by water infiltration can be an appealing option for homeowners, this type of repair will only temporarily solve the issue. Water damage caused by improperly installed stucco often hides more significant problems and requires professional assistance. While a small hole in a wall may be enough to spot a problem, a proper assessment by a professional is necessary to determine whether it is a serious problem.
The first sign of water damage is a wet patch on the wall. This is normal after heavy rain, but it is a good sign that water is getting inside. You can check for damp patches by looking for cracks and gaps around the window trim. If you notice any of these, the problem could be water infiltration. Alternatively, you can look for cracks in window caulking, which may be the first sign of a water leak.
Common causes of stucco failure
If you’ve recently noticed that your stucco is starting to crack or peel, you might be looking at the first sign of a bigger problem. Unfortunately, these signs can signify a larger problem, like plumbing leaks. It would help if you also looked for water stains on your walls or ceiling. Oftentimes, water stains can also be a sign of deterioration. Fortunately, there are some ways to spot stucco damage before you start replacing it.
Wet weather is one of the most significant dangers for stucco-covered homes. Even if you live in a dry climate, the fact remains that wet weather will penetrate the stucco finish and eventually cause it to crack and crumble, allowing mold to grow. To prevent this problem, point your gutters away from the home and weatherproof the exterior of your stucco walls to prevent moisture penetration.
Costs of stucco repairs
If your home has experienced severe damage to the stucco, you may be wondering how much it will cost to repair it. Depending on the size of the home and the area where you live, the costs of stucco repairs can range anywhere from $400 to over $4,000. Whether your stucco is cracked, needs to be repainted, or is in need of another structural repair, the cost of repairing stucco can be very high. Fortunately, there are some common fixes you can perform yourself to help keep your costs down. The best stucco repair company will use better products and pay attention to detail, so you’ll be able to enjoy the same results.